This article summarizes the superpowers you get by integrating HubSpot and Accord.
Key Takeaways
- Reinforce 10 / 10 sales execution by automatically creating Accords and using validation rules to gate Stage progression.
- Create better visibility into Deals by pushing customer collaboration data to HubSpot, and making it easier for your team to fill out HubSpot property fields.
Reinforce 10 / 10 Sales Execution
Automatic Accord Creation
Automatically create an Accord whenever a deal moves to a new Stage. Save AEs and CSMs time and ensure they're following the right process.
Deal Progression Validation Rules
Prevent Deals from progressing to later Stages without certain actions being taken in Accord. For example, prevent a Deal from progressing to Stage 2 if a Customer hasn't been invited to an Accord.
Data & Visibility
Execution Criteria
Add an exclamation (!) point and reinforce any part of your repeatable Sales / Success process with Execution Criteria, and push the status of the Execution Criteria to Salesforce in real-time.
Report on Accord Data
Push customer-validated Accord data to HubSpot to report on it. This includes data like number of customers invited, and the name of current Stage.
Bi-directional Data Sync
Improve CRM compliance and save your team time by making it easier to update HubSpot data directly from Accord. The slide-out is fully customizable!
Push Customer Events to HubSpot
Whenever a customer takes an action in your Accord workspace, push this event to HubSpot.
View Accord Data Without Leaving HubSpot
Adding the Accord CRM Card to your HubSpot Deal view let's you quickly understand the status of any Accord without leaving HubSpot.