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Accord Members & Contacts (Salesforce)

A quick overview of how the Salesforce Contact Object interacts with Accord Members.


  1. Syncing Accord Members and Salesforce Contacts 
  2. Adding Contacts During Accord Creation
  3. Suggesting CRM Contacts as Accord Members
  4. Adding Internal Accord Members as Salesforce Contacts
  5. Associating Tasks with Contacts

1. Syncing Accord Members and Salesforce Contacts 

If an Accord Member is added to an Accord and they do not exist in Salesforce, Accord will automatically create a new contact in Salesforce and associate the new contact with the relevant Account and Opportunity. 

The Accord Point Person will also be assigned as the Contact Owner in Salesforce. 

Accord matches contacts based on email address.

If an Accord Member is added to an Accord and they exist in Salesforce but they are not yet linked to the opportunity, Accord will link the contact to your Salesforce Opportunity. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 11.31.22 AM

Enabling Contact Sync

To enable this feature, navigate to Settings > CRM > toggle on Sync Salesforce Contacts.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 1.52.14 PM

Customizing Lead Source

You can customize the Lead Source in the CRM Settings panel in Accord. This will help you attribute contacts to Accord. 

Navigate to Settings > CRM > Sync Salesforce Contacts > click Manage.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 1.53.19 PM

2. Adding Contacts During Accord Creation

When an Accord is created and linked to a Salesforce opportunity, Accord will automatically pull in all the opportunity contacts as Accord Members. This will happen during Automatic Accord Creation, as well as manual Accord creation. 

These contacts will be displayed on the Team page, with a Not Yet Invited tag (see image below). 

These Members can be invited by clicking Send Invite, or removed by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the Member card and selecting Remove.


Accord administrators can turn this feature OFF during Automatic Accord Creation.


3. Suggesting CRM Contacts as Accord Members

Suggesting CRM Contacts: Team Page

A list of recommended contacts from Salesforce are listed to add to the Accord. These are Contacts linked to the Opportunity that have not yet been added to the Accord. They are not visible to your customer. 

The suggested contacts can be removed by clicking Dismiss.


Suggesting CRM Contacts: Adding New Members 

When inviting a new member to the Customer team, Accord will suggest contacts that are linked to the connected opportunity.


4. Adding Internal Accord Members as Salesforce Contacts

With Stakeholder Map, you're able to create Internal Members in your Accords.

An Internal Member is a specific individual within the customer's organization that is relevant to your Accord, but either:

  1. You're missing information about the individual, OR
  2. Don't want it visible to others in the buyer's organization yet, OR
  3. Not ready to invite them into the Accord yet

Internal Members are synced over to your Salesforce Account and Opportunity as a Contact just as long as they have an email address associated with them.

Changes to any of the following details for Internal Members will sync over to the corresponding Salesforce Contact (or vice-versa):

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Role
  4. Email address

Once an Internal Member has been invited to the Accord, they will cease to be Internal Only.

Once a Member has accepted their invite to the Accord, their details will no longer be editable by you.

5. Associating Tasks with Contacts 

If you have enabled Sync Accord engagement activity with Salesforce Tasks, any engagement triggered by a Contact will be linked to the Opportunity and the specific Contact.