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  2. Getting Started for Admins

The Basics for Admins/Leaders

This article covers the major facets of Accord that all leaders should be familiarized with.

Table of Contents

  1. Accord Status
  2. Accord Execution Score
  3. Archiving Accords and Playbooks
    1. Accessing Archived Accords and Playbooks
  4. Playbook Reports

Accord Status

The Status of an Accord indicates whether or not it's on track for timely completion. It is only visible to you, meaning that your customers cannot see it.

  • Draft: The Accord is still being worked on and has not been published or shared.
  • Not Started: The Accord has been published, but no Steps have been assigned due dates or have been completed.
  • On Track: The Accord is up to date! There are no overdue Steps.
  • At Risk: The Accord has one or more Steps that are overdue by 1-6 days.
  • Stalled: The Accord has one or more Steps that are overdue by 7 or more days.

Reviewing the Statuses of your team's Accords will instantly give you an idea of how well the Accord is being maintained by its Point Person.

Accord Execution Score

The Execution Score of your Accords provides quick insight into how well your GTM process is being executed. Reviewing the components of the Execution Score can give the Accord's Point Person an idea of how to better execute on the process and therefore, raise the Execution Score.

The Execution Score is only visible to you, meaning that your customers cannot see it.

Read more about Execution Score here.

Archiving Accord and Playbooks

When you are done with an Accord (or you just want to hide it from your views), you have the ability to archive it. Simultaneously, when an Accord is archived, this means that your customers can no longer access it.

Archiving an Accord will preserve the data and keep your progress, but tuck it away for safekeeping.

In order to archive an Accord, simply:

  1. Select the "" for the Accord that you're trying to archive.
  2. Select "Archive Accord".

In the same way, you have the ability to archive your Playbooks. This is especially useful if you're iterating on your existing Playbook, release a new version of it, and you want to discourage the use of the previous version of the Playbook.

In order to archive a Playbook, simply:

  1. Select the "" for the Playbook that you're trying to archive.
  2. Select "Archive Playbook".

Accessing Archived Accords and Playbooks

You can access archived Accords and Playbooks by selecting the "Archived" view in the Accords or Playbooks page.

In addition, archived Accords and Playbooks will no longer appear in the search results. 

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Playbook Reports

Playbook Reports allow you to monitor the performance of your Playbooks and gauge its impact on your go-to-market motions. Through Playbook Reports, you can:

  1. See the Playbook's impact on your sales pipeline
  2. Review the customer acceptance rate for the Accords created through the Playbook
  3. Inspect top-level sales metrics like closed won rate, average time to close, and average customer value related to the Opportunities/Deals associated with the Playbook

For more information on Playbook Reports, please refer to this helpful article.