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  2. Salesforce Integration

Syncing Data Between Salesforce and Accord

This article outlines the different ways in which Accord can sync data to/from Salesforce.

  1. Configure Salesforce Slideout Menu
  2. Sync Accord Data to Salesforce Fields
  3. Sync Execution Criteria to Salesforce
  4. Sync Accord Activity to Salesforce Tasks
  5. Use Salesforce Values in Accord
  6. Allow Modifying Connected Deal after Creation

Configure Salesforce Slideout Menu

From any Accord that is connected to a Salesforce Opportunity, you can access a Slideout Menu that surfaces fields from the Opportunity or the corresponding Account.

accord bidirectional salesforce sync (1) (1)

The Salesforce Slideout Menu is inaccessible by your customers, so don't worry about the text that you input into the fields in the Slideout Menu.

The Slideout Menu is configured by default with the following fields from the corresponding Opportunity:

  1. Close Date
  2. Opportunity Amount
  3. Opportunity Stage
  4. Next Steps

However, you can customize which fields appear in the Slideout Menu, just as long as the field type is:

  • Date
  • Currency
  • Number
  • Picklist
  • Text (255)
  • Long text area

In order to customize your Slideout Menu, simply:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Under "Workspace" in the menu bar on the left-hand side of your screen, click CRM
  3. In the "Saleforce Slideout" row, select Manage
  4. Click Add Row

From there, you can configure which Opportunity/Account fields show up in your Slideout Menu, how it will be displayed in Accord, and whether the field is coming from the Opportunity level or the Account level.

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Adding a Second Tab to the Slideout Menu

Accord is capable of adding a second tab to the Slideout Menu.

By default, the second tab of the Slideout Menu will be called "Qualification", but this can be renamed.

In order to rename the two tabs of the Slideout Menu, simply:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Under "Workspace" in the menu bar on the left-hand side of your screen, click CRM
  3. In the "Saleforce Slideout" row, select Manage
  4. Click Update Tab Names

Sync Accord Data to Salesforce Fields

Automatically push Accord Customer Collaboration data to connected Opportunities. This lets you report on Customer Collaboration data, and enforce the usage of Mutual Action Plans and other customer facing workflows.

Step 1: Enable in Accord

First navigate to CRM in Settings. You must be an Admin to access this page. Under Sync Accord data to Salesforce, click Enable and then click Manage.

 Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 7.02.05 PM

Step 2: Create Custom Salesforce Fields

Create custom fields on the Opportunity for the 7 types of Accord data and insert the field name:

  • Accord URL: the URL of the connected Accord
  • Accord Status: the current Status of the connected Accord
  • Accord Stage Name: the title of the current Stage of the connected Accord
  • Accord Customers Invited: the number of customers who have been invited to the connected Accord
  • Accord Customers Accepted: the number of customers that have accepted their Accord invites
  • Accord Progress: the percent of Accord steps that have been completed. 
  • Accord Execution Score: the connected Accord's Execution Score

Note: the custom Accord fields in Salesforce should be read-only for most users so the sales or success team does not modify them. You do not want an AE or Sales Leader to modify them on purpose or by accident. 

  • URL
    • Label: Accord URL
    • Field data type: url
    • Description: the URL of the connected Accord
    • Object: Opportunity
    • Rules: We recommend that you set a character limit for this property of no less than 100
    • Label: Accord Status
    • Field data type: text
    • Description: Status of the Accord (Not Started, On Track, At Risk, Stalled)
    • Object: Opportunity
    • Label: Stage_Name
    • Field data type: text
    • Description: the title of the current Stage of the connected Accord
    • Object: Opportunity
    • Label: Customer_Invited_Num
    • Field data type: number
    • Description: the number of customers that have been invited to the connected Accord
    • Object: Opportunity
    • Label: Customer_Accepted_Num
    • Field data type: number
    • Description: the number of customers that have accepted their Accord invites
    • Object: Opportunity
      • Label: Progress
      • Field data type: percent
      • Description: the percent of Accord steps that have been completed
      • Object: Opportunity
      • Label: Execution_Score
      • Field data type: number
      • Description: the Execution Score of the Accord
      • Object: Opportunity

    Step 3: Add to the Opportunity Object 

    Once the fields are created, add the fields to the opportunity object under the grouping title, Accord Execution Data.

    Step 4: Configure in Accord

    Finally, add the field names and object names in Accord.

    You can navigate to this page by clicking Manage next to the Sync Accord data to Salesforce page.

    Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 7.05.34 PM

    When does data get pushed to Salesforce?

    Fresh data is pushed from Accord to Salesforce whenever a trigger event occurs.

    Here are a list of all triggers below:

    • Accord Viewed
    • Accord Created
    • Accord Duplicated
    • Stage Created
    • Stage Deleted 
    • Step Created
    • Step Deleted 
    • Step Updated
    • Stakeholder Added
    • Customer Accepted (accesses Accord for the first time)
    • New Member Added / Invited

    This means that if you find the data in your Salesforce Opportunity is out-of-date, simply accessing the Accord and viewing it will push the latest data to the Opportunity. 

    Note: to ensure we preserve your Salesforce API calls we only trigger the API if the data has been updated.

    Sync Execution Criteria to Salesforce

    The same way you can push Accord values to custom fields in Salesforce, you can also push Execution Criteria to custom fields. 

    Navigate to Settings > CRM > Sync Accord data to Salesforce and click Manage.

    Click Add Row and select Accord Field.

    From this drop down scroll down to Execution Criteria. Select the Execution Criteria you'd like to map to your custom field in Salesforce.  

    (Note: You'll have to create this custom field first on the Opportunity Object)

    Sync Accord Activity with Salesforce Tasks

    Push customer activity to a connected Opportunity as a Task. 

    These Tasks will be displayed under the Activity feed in your Opportunities. 

    Simply Navigate to the CRM section of your Settings page and click Enable.

    Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 6.30.04 PM-1

    Task Values Included

    Accord will include the follow Task values:

    • Status: 'Completed'
    • Subject: 'task specific'
    • WhatId (i.e., Related To): 'OpportunityId'
    • Description: 'task specific'
    • Assigned to: *
    • Created by: *

    * The Assigned To and Created By fields will be the actor of the action if they have an Accord account and have authenticated into Salesforce. If the actor is not an Accord user with an authenticated Salesforce connection, we will use the Salesforce integration owner for the Assigned To and Created By fields.

    List of Tasks Sent to Salesforce

    Note: All current and future tasks created by Accord will begin with [Accord: ]

    [Accord: Step Updated]

    Any property in a step is updated (due date, completion status, owner, etc.)

    [Accord: Comment]

    A new comment was added to a step

    [Accord: Customer View]

    Customer recently viewed the Accord

    [Accord: Resource Added]

    Customer recently added a new resource

    [Accord: Member Invited]

    A new customer was invited to the Accord

    [Accord: Member Joined]

    A new customer accepted an invite to the Accord

    Pro tip: use Salesforce's Flow Builder to trigger custom workflows based on events within Accord. For example, if an Accord has completed the Final Partnership Stage, you can automatically move the Opportunity to the next Stage. 

    Use Salesforce Values in Accord

    Sync key properties from Salesforce to Accord to better understand your Deals. This feature is automatically enabled. 

    • Use close dates from Salesforce
      • Link the close date value in Salesforce and the End Date in Accord. When changes are made in Salesforce they will be reflected in Accord – and vice versa.  
    • Use Opportunity values from Salesforce 
      • Link the Opportunity Amount value in Salesforce and the Opp Value in Accord. When changes are made in Salesforce they will be reflected in Accord – and vice versa. 

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    Allow Modifying Connected Deal after Creation

    This permission is turned on by default. Disabling it will block any user from modifying the Opportunity an Accord is connected to after the connection is first established (even an Admin).

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