Customer Cannot Access Accord

This article helps you troubleshoot when a customer that you've invited to your Accord can't access it.

Accord is meant to be a collaborative platform to facilitate your process between yourself and your customer. If a customer that you've invited to your Accord can't seem to access it, try these following steps.

At any point, you can email to get assistance with troubleshooting!

"My customer hasn't received their Accord invitation email"

1. Confirm that the Accord invitation has been sent

To confirm whether or not the invitation to your Accord has been sent:

  1. Navigate to the Team page of your Accord
  2. Confirm that the customer in question has the "Pending" tag on their contact tile

If the customer's contact tile has the "Not Yet Invited" tag instead, you can click the "Send Invite" button to sent the invitation to your Accord.

2. Confirm that the customer's email address is correct

To confirm whether or not the invitation to your Accord has been sent to the correct email address:

  1. Navigate to the Teams page of your Accord
  2. Confirm that the customer's email address is correct and hasn't been misspelled

If you find a spelling error with the contact's email address:

  1. Click the "" at the top-right hand corner of the customer's contact tile
  2. Select "Remove"
  3. Select "Add Member" at the top-right hand corner of the Teams page
  4. Re-sent the invitation to the customer with the correct email address

3. Confirm that the Accord invitation email hasn't been quarantined/filtered out/directed to their Spam folder


There is a chance that the invitation email was sent to the customer, but it was intercepted by your customer's email security protocol.

To confirm otherwise:

  1. Ask your customer to check their Spam folder for email sent from ""
  2. Ask your customer to contact their IT team and place emails coming from the domain to the sender allowlist

Once that's been done, you can re-sent the Accord invitation email by:

  1. Navigating to the Teams page
  2. clicking "Resend Invite" in the customer's contact tile

"My customer received their Accord invitation email, but they still can't access the platform"

NOTE: Accord automatically generates a "magic link" that will authenticate your customer and direct them into the Welcome page of your Accord.

Clicking this link (Accept Invitation) will take them to the Welcome page of your Accord.

1. Confirm that your customer has filled out their details in the Welcome page

Accord requires all parties to identify themselves in order to collaborate in your process. Please confirm the your customer has filled out the following fields in the Welcome page:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Job Title

2. Re-send the Accord invitation magic link to the customer

If the "Accept Invitation" link in the Accord invitation email doesn't work for your customer, you can manually generate the magic link and direct them to the Welcome page of your Accord. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Teams page of your Accord
  2. Select the "" on the top-right hand corner of the customer's contact tile
  3. Select "Copy Invite Link"
  4. Paste and share the invite link to your customer via email/chat/Slack/Teams/etc.

If none of these troubleshooting tips work for you and your customer, please email