Tracking Parameters

This article will explain the tracking parameters that are automatically appended to external resources.

The Accord platform will automatically append the following tracking parameters for external links. These include outbound links from Resources within Accords, Library Resources, and any links within comments, summaries, or other text areas on the platform.

utm_medium=<CU | SP>
utm_campaign=<playbook_id of source playbook of the accord, if applicable)
utm_content=<accord_id of the accord, if applicable>

*Note, that if these parameters are already present on a link, they will not be replaced.

  • CU - your customers
  • SP - your reps (or anybody on the selling team)
  • playbook_id - the playbook that was used when creating the Accord


A customer at Acme, clicks on the link within the Acme Partnership Plan Accord (id - d9fabaa8-c481-4383-8b87-af000fe051d6) that was generated from the Mid-Market Playbook (id - a08b361e-e071-4783-8602-04359f079bd5).