Resource Library

Use the Resource Library to create a single source of truth for all of your go-to-market content.

Resource Library is only included with the Enterprise package of Accord.

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Key Takeaways 

  1. Use the Resource Library to create a single source of truth for all of your GTM content.
  2. Changes made to Resource Library content can be pushed anywhere the Resource Library object is used.
  3. Resource Library content can be organized in Folders, and changes made to these Folders can be pushed anywhere it's being used in Accord as well.
  4. Resource reporting gives you out-of-the-box measurement of ROI on your sales content. 


  1. Adding a Resource
  2. Editing a Resource
  3. Syncing Updates
  4. Resource Folders

Adding a Resource

You can add any file type or URL to the Resource Library. To add a new Resource to the Resource Library:

  1. Navigate to Library
  2. Select Resources in the top menu bar
  3. Click "Add Resource" in the upper right corner of your screen

From here, you can indicate whether you would like to link out to an external URL or upload a file from your computer.

After uploading your file or attaching a link, continue to fill out the necessary fields.

After clicking Add Resource, you'll be taken to the new Library object.

Editing a Resource

To edit a Resource in the Library, click on the Resource and click "Edit" in the top-right hand corner.

From there, you'll be able to do the following with your Resource:

  1. Change the name of the file
  2. Change the Customer Visible Name of the file
  3. Change the Description of the file
  4. Change the visibility of the file (Internal only vs. Customer facing)
  5. Replace the file with a new version of the file

Any changes made will sync over to any Playbooks and/or Accords that this Resource has been added to.

Syncing Updates

After making a change to a Resource, you have the option to push updates to all Accords, Playbooks, and Library Steps and Stages that are using said Resource. This ensures that your team is using the most recently-updated Resources.

At the bottom of the Resource Library page, you'll see a list of the places your Resources are being used. 

Select the objects you'd like to update and click Sync.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.21.50 PM

Resource Folders

Similar to how individual Resources in the Library can be added to Accords, Playbooks, and Library Steps and Stages, Folders of Resources can be added to your workspace. As always, changes made to these Folders can be synced across your Accords, Playbooks, Library Steps, and Stages.

Creating a Folder

From the Resource section of the Library click Add Resource, which is located in the upper right corner of your screen.

From here, select Folder, and fill out the required information.

Adding Resources into Folders

Once complete, you can add a new Resource into the Folder by selecting Add Resource.

Moving Resources in/out of Folders

If you have a Resource that's in the Library or in a Folder in the Library, you have the option to move the Resource into another Folder.

To do this, simply click  on the Resource and select...

  • Move to All Resources: If you want to move the Resource directly to the Library
  • Move Resource: If you want to move the Resource to another Folder in the Library

Editing a Folder

Editing a Folder is as simple as selecting Update on the top-right hand corner of the screen while viewing the Folder.

From here, you can change the name of the Folder or mark the Folder of Resources as "Internal Only".

Syncing Updates

Similar to how you can push updates to all Accords, Playbooks, and Library Steps and Stages that are using a Resource after making changes, you can do the same with a Folder of Resources.

At the bottom of the Resource Folder page, you'll see a list of the places where your Folder is currently being used.

Select the objects you'd like to update and click Sync.