
This article outlines how to add Comments on your Accord Steps to foster collaboration between you and your internal/external stakeholders.

Key Takeaways

  1. Anyone from either Team can add Comments to Accord Steps.
  2. You are able to reply to Comments and react with emojis.
  3. You can use the "@" symbol to tag someone and send them a notification.
  4. Solution Providers are able to add internal-only Comments that won't be seen by anyone on your Customer's Team.

Solution Providers vs. Customers

Solution Providers = the Sales or Customer Success individuals who own the Accord workspace (i.e. you!)

Customers = Any external member you add to an Accord


  1. How to Add a Comment
  2. Reply and Reacting to Comments
  3. Notifications for Comments
  4. Start an Internal Discussion

How to Add a Comment

Comments can be added by both Solutions Providers and Customers on any Steps in Accord.  In order to add a Comment, simply:

  1. Navigate to Accords and select the appropriate Accord
  2. Select the Step that you want to add the Comment on
  3. Scroll down to the Comments section, type in your Comment, and click Comment

Replying and Reacting to Comments

Responding to a Comment or reacting to one is a good way to acknowledge a Comment or create a thread for more specific discussions. To respond to a Comment:

If you want to respond to a Comment, click Reply

If you want to react to a Comment with an emoji, click the Emoji button

Notifications for Comments

If you need to get someone's attention for a Step that you're collaborating with them on, using the "@" symbol and tagging them is your best bet.

As long as their notifications are set accordingly, they will be notified by email/in app. By default, Email and In App notifications are turned on for all Accord users, with each user having the option to turn those notifications off.

Start an Internal Discussion

If you are a Solution Provider on an Accord and want to add a Comment that won't be seen by your Customers, working in the Internal Discussion section is your best bet.

From the Steps slide-out, click Internal Discussion to see all of the internal-only Comments that have been made on the Step.

From there, your Internal Discussions act the same way as your standard, Customer-facing Comments.

Internal Stages/Steps/Comments/Resources are always highlighted in purple in Accord. This helps to easily differentiate between the things that can only be seen by Solutions Providers and the things that can be seen by Customers.

If you want to start an Internal Discussion about a Comment that was added, click the Discuss button on any existing Comment.

Doing so will directly reference the Comment that your internal-only Comment is pertaining to.