Engagement Page

This article covers how you can track your customer's level of engagement in your Accord.

Accords are meant to be collaborative workspaces between you and your customer. But is it you doing all of the heavy lifting? Or is your customer engaged and helping you push the process forward?

Checking the engagement of your Accord will help answer those questions.

To view the engagement of your Accord, simply:

  1. Click on the Accord for which you want to check the level of engagement on
  2. Click the "Engagement" tab on the top navigation bar

The Engagement tab is Internal Only, meaning that this tab is only visible to you and your team, and is inaccessible by your customer.

At the very top of the Engagement tab, you will see the following high-level engagement metrics for your Accord:

  • Health: Calculated based on the duration/frequency/recency of the engagement from your customer(s).
  • Customers Accepted / Invited: The number of customers that have accepted your Accord invitation / The number of customers that have been invited to your Accord.
  • Acceptance Ratio: Calculated by dividing the number of customers that have accepted your Accord invitation by the number of customers
  •  that have been invited to your Accord.

Beneath the high-level engagement metrics, you'll find two filtering options that will help you narrow down the data that you see in the Engagement tab:

  • Select Members: Select specific Members that you want to see the engagement metrics for. You can select either your Team Members or the Team Members representing your customer.
  • Select Activity Types: Select the specific types of engagement that you want to see for your Accord:
    • Accord Archived
    • Resources Viewed
    • Team Page Viewed
    • Next Steps Viewed
    • Summary Viewed
    • Accord Created
    • Accord Duplicated
    • Comment Created
    • Placeholder Role Assigned
    • Placeholder Role Created
    • Invite Accepted
    • Member Invited
    • Resource Created
    • Resource Deleted
    • Step Created
    • Step Updated
    • Step Viewed
    • Step Approved
    • Step Deleted
    • Deal Criteria Association Completed

The bolded activity types that you see above are the ones that you'll want to keep an eye on specifically.

You can click each row of the engagement log to see a breakdown of the duration of engagement and the activity type: